Royal Assent Granted

After seven years of lobbying from the Committee of Management, royal assent is granted. The hospital is officially re-named ‘The Royal Children’s Hospital’ (RCH).

Mr Peter Jones

Jones began a long surgical career at the hospital. He was a prolific researcher, publisher and regarded as a wonderful teacher. In 1970 he became chairman of the senior medical staff. He also designed the coat of arms for the hospital.

Staff System Reform

Honorary staff positions were symbolically re-named senior medical staff. Staffing reform meant the hospital was able to attract talented new staff.

First Male Trainee Nurse

Approved as a training school for male nurses in 1946, it wasn’t until 1952 that the nursing school received an application from a man.

Frances Kruger

Kruger became the first interpreter on staff at the hospital. She had fluent command of five languages.

Dr Margaret (Gretta) McClelland OBE

Appointed senior paediatric anaesthetist, McClelland became the hospital’s first full-time director of anaesthesia in 1956 and was with the hospital until retirement in 1970. She was involved in improvement of anaesthetic techniques.