Endocrine Clinic Formally Established
Of particular relevance to the care of children, Dr Norman Wettenhall AM’s interest in endocrinology was formalised as a specialty area of research.
Of particular relevance to the care of children, Dr Norman Wettenhall AM’s interest in endocrinology was formalised as a specialty area of research.
Dr John Perry was a key instigator of the establishment of a poisons register and resource for parents and health professionals.
Jackson became one of the first nurses to be sponsored to train overseas. Her leadership of the Psychiatric Unit was crucial to its success.
Carmen Winter held a key role in organising this new service.
Co-ordinated by Dr Keys Smith, the clinic was soon the second biggest in the world.
The hospital has provided dental services since 1899, however the full-time appointment of Associate Professor Roger Hall as paediatric dentist in 1960 resulted in the development and independence of the department.
A large fundraising appeal was held to raise money for the new Parkville hospital. The target was £400,000, with £500,000 raised. At the time it was the largest amount ever contributed in an appeal to a single charity in Australia.
Cook became chief pharmacist and was instrumental in the rapid growth of the department, particularly after the move to Parkville.
The foundation’s objectives were to support and promote research in all areas of child health.
Keir became chief audiologist and remained in the role until 1997. He had a background in electrical engineering and child psychology and under his guidance the Audiology Department addressed the behavioural problems of children with hearing impairments.