A New Nurses’ Home
The first building to be completed on the new Parkville lot – nurses were shuttled back and forth to the Carlton hospital.
The first building to be completed on the new Parkville lot – nurses were shuttled back and forth to the Carlton hospital.
Australian broadcasting began and television sets were placed in the wards for the patients’ entertainment.
Dr A Murray Clarke led the establishment in response to the high occurrence-rate of patients admitted with burns.
Appointed as the first director of psychiatry, Rickards developed a multi-disciplinary approach to child mental health and his research achieved many breakthroughs.
Appointed director of radiology, Hiller introduced many improvements in the way of equipment and techniques.
A member of the Committee of Management since 1933, Dame Elisabeth was President from 1954-1965. Her commitment and vision saw many improvements for the hospital, including the move to new premises in Parkville. In 1986 she became a co-founder of the Murdoch Institute for Research into Birth Defects.